Based in the enchanting Cala dei Sardi, in the Gulf of Cugnana, Sardinia Navigando specializes in nautical chartering with an extensive “floating harbor” that is eco-friendly in the heart of the Costa Smeralda. By using innovative and eco-sustainable floating devices, the company ensures both stability for boats and full respect for the marine environment, often untouched by traditional systems. The “breakwater” pontoons do not excessively alter the wave motion, allowing for stable and safe passage while preserving the clarity and natural beauty of the water.

On land, customers find impeccable services and every comfort to enjoy a pleasant and relaxing experience amidst the breathtaking landscapes of northwestern Sardinia. Within a short distance, you’ll find some of the most beautiful destinations on the island: the La Maddalena Archipelago, Cala di Volpe, the Bocche di Bonifacio, the island of Tavolara, and the island of Mortorio – perfect destinations for slow, responsible, and sustainable tourism.